Topic Highlights

Take Action with the 5210+ Framework: Healthy Communities Start with Healthy Habits!

Childhood obesity is strongly correlated to adult obesity, as children with obesity are more likely to remain obese in adulthood, and overweight children are at higher risk of becoming overweight adults. Healthy living is crucial at every stage of life, from childhood to adulthood. Children with obesity are at a higher risk for asthma, sleep … Read more

County of San Diego is on the Way to Becoming the First HOPE Inspired Community!

Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences (HOPE), developed by Tufts Medical Center, emphasizes the critical role of positive childhood experiences (PCEs). Based on research demonstrating that secure relationships, a sense of belonging, and connectedness can enhance resilience and mitigate childhood trauma and adversity, the HOPE framework underscores the importance of individual and community strengths. It prioritizes … Read more